Themba has the following academic qualifications: B.Sc. (University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg), Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Wits Business School), MBA (Stuttgart Institute of Management & Technology), Master of Commerce in Development Finance (University of Cape Town) and various Finance, Project Management and Business Banking courses from Euromoney, UCT Graduate School of Business, Goldman Sachs (New York) and Wharton School of Business (Philadelphia).
He is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with the Project Management Institute (PMI); and member of Project Management South Africa (PMSA), Institute of Directors, Institute of Business Advisors SA (Certified Business Advisor), Coaches & Mentors SA.
Themba serves as Mentor, Advisor and Coach to Entrepreneurs and Managers across industrial sectors. He has worked in youth & community development in various parts of Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg and Durban.
We have worked with Start-Ups, SMMEs (across industries), established businesses, Science Councils, Universities, National, Provincial and Local governments in supporting businesses, SMMEs and Economic Development.
We are engaged by IDC, Innovation Hub, SEFA, NYDA to provide various business support, collaborative workshop facilitation, training, Project Management & Businesses Development services. We work with professionals & associates in various business disciplines.
A seasoned long distance runner with numerous Comrades (Green Number), Two Oceans (Blue Number), Paris and Soweto Marathon Medals; Themba spends much of his time between Durban on the East Coast and Cape Town on the West Coast timing & chasing Surf Waves or trying to improve his humble Golf Handicap. Themba’s single goal in life and sole criterion for determination of his Success & Richness in life is the contribution to Socio-Economic & Cultural development of Africa and Her People.